Log In and Reset Passwords in Sales Intelligence

  • Updated


You can log in to Sales Intelligence and reset your password from the Sales Intelligence web app login page.

Steps: Log In

  1. Navigate to the login page at https://web.demandbase.com/sales.
  2. Enter your Demandbase credentials and click Sign In.
    Log In.png
  3. In the window that opens, click Sales Intelligence.
    Select Version 2.png

Steps: Reset Password

  1. Navigate to the login page at https://web.demandbase.com/sales.
  2. Click Need help signing in? to show more options and then click Forgot password?.
    Reset Password.png
  3. Enter your Email and click Submit.
    Reset Password Email.png
    Demandbase sends you an email with a new password.
  4. Return to the login page and log in with the new password.
  5. In the window that opens, click Sales Intelligence.
    Select Version 2.png

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