Manage Workspace Assets: Lists, Filters, and Reports

  • Updated


When you create a workspace, you can select the assets such as lists, filters, and reports that you want to move to the workspace. You can also manage assets after you publish the workspace as follows:

  • You can send or copy lists from the global workspace to individual workspaces.
  • You can send filters and reports from the global workspace to individual workspaces.
  • You can copy lists from individual workspaces to other workspaces, including the global workspace.


  • When you send an asset from the global workspace to an individual workspace, it will be moved permanently and only accessible to users assigned to that workspace. Once the assets are moved to the new workspace, they cannot be moved back to the global workspace.
  • Assets that you copy to another workspace do not sync with the original asset. Any changes you make to the original asset after you copy it will not be reflected in the copied asset.

Tip: Admins can also manage assets after publishing a workspace by editing the workspace. See Manage Workspaces.


You must be licensed to use workspaces.

To send or copy assets to a workspace, you must be assigned to the workspace.


  1. From the top navigation bar, select the workspace with the assets you want to send or copy to another workspace. The top navigation bar can be accessed from the Analytics, Journeys, Database, Orchestration, and Settings sections. See Understanding Workspace Navigation for more information.
  2. Navigate to the page for the asset you want to send or duplicate.
    For example, to send or copy an account list, go to Database Database > Accounts > Account Lists from the left navigation menu.
  3. Select the checkbox for an account list and click Take action.
    Tip: You can select multiple assets to send to another workspace at once, but you can only select one asset to duplicate.
    Manage Lists 2.png
    • To send the account list to another workspace, select Send to workspace. In the window that opens, select the Workspace name and click Send.
      This option is only available for sending assets from the global workspace.
    • To copy the account list to another workspace, select Duplicate List. In the window that opens, enter a new Title and Description (optional), select the Workspace, and click Duplicate List.
      This option is only available for copying lists between workspaces.

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