Create Custom Reports in Google Universal Analytics

  • Updated

Important: This article only applies to Google Universal Analytics.


In this article you'll find information on how to create 5 custom reports in your Google Universal Analytics leveraging Demandbase data:

  • Visitor Composition Report: Allows you to look at your normal website metrics through the lens of company segments
  • Visitor Acquisition Report: Helps you to determine which channels are most effective at driving the traffic to your website for a particular segment
  • Content Engagement Report: Gives you an insight into how a particular segment is responding to your website content
  • Sales Enablement Report: Lets you to measure how specific companies are behaving on your website and segment them based on your sales assignments (e.g. account_owner, country, state etc.)
  • Conversion Report: Helps you to track the conversion rate and number of site visitors that completed goals specified by you

You’ll work with your Demandbase Customer Success Manager and our implementation team to get these reports set up, but it will be extremely helpful to you to understand the purpose of each report, how to build them, and who to share them with.

These reports are most useful if they are delivered automatically via email to the key stakeholders, which is easily done within your GA.

Check out this video for a walk through of the reports. 


Visitor Composition Report

The Visitor Composition report allows you to look at your normal website metrics through the lens of company segments. It gives you an overview of which companies and industries are on your website. This report is a critical one for understanding the overall health of your business.

Best Practices for Using the Visitor Composition Report

  • Use it as an initial benchmark of how your website is serving overall marketing goals.
  • Get insights on what content/messaging to create based on your visitor composition.
  • Create multiple versions of this report by using other segments you’ve built and adding them as custom dimensions.

Who to Share it With

The Visitor Composition report will interest a variety of internal stakeholders for different reasons.

  • Sales leaders and field marketers will want to know if and when certain types of companies are visiting the website. Since it is only business traffic that matters to you, you’ll want to know what percentage of your traffic is business traffic versus residential or bot traffic.
  • Marketing leaders will want to understand how the performance of the overall marketing program is reflected in website metrics.
  • Product marketers will be able to determine whether target markets for specific products are visiting the website.

Set Up Steps

1. Log into GA and click the Customization tab.


2. Click New Custom Report.


3. In the Title field, name your report. Example (Visitor Composition Report).

4. Change Report tab name to Industry/Company Name and select Explorer type, so you can see your data in a chart form.

5. Click add metric and search for:

  • Sessions
  • Users Avg
  • Session Duration
  • Pages/session
  • Bounce Rate
  • Goal completions

6. Click the add dimension button and search for Industry, click add dimension again and search for Company Name.

7. Click Duplicate this tab on the right hand side.

8. Rename the tab to Audience and edit the dimension from Industry to Audience.

9. Do not apply filters to this report so that in the Audience tab you can show the breakdown of Non-Company traffic.

10. Click Save - Final Report below.

Visitor Acquisition Report

The Visitor Acquisition Report allows you to determine which channels are most effective at driving the traffic to your website for a particular segment. The report helps you see how visitors are directed to your website and what channel, source, medium or campaign attracted them.

This report is a helpful indicator on whether you need to invest in Search Engine Optimization and enables you to measure your marketing spend more clearly.

Who to Share it With

The Visitor Acquisition Report is particularly valuable for these stakeholders.

  • Demand generation teams
  • Brand advertisers
  • Social media marketers

It enables them to see which campaigns have the most ROI when it comes to bringing high-value segments to the company website. Through these reports, they can make more data-driven decisions about the channels they focus on to acquire new customers within specific segments.

Set Up Steps

1. Log into GA and click the Customization tab.


2. Click New Custom Report.


3. In the Title field, name your report. Example (Visitor Acquisition Report).

4. Change the Report tab name to Source/Medium > Company Name and select Explorer. type.

5. Click add metric and search for:

  • Sessions
  • % New Sessions
  • Avg. Session Duration
  • Pages/session
  • Bounce Rate
  • New Users

6. Click the add dimension button and search for Source/Medium, click add dimension again and search for Company Name.

7. Click add filter, search for Company Name, on the first drop down select Exclude, leave the second drop-down as Exact. In the text field type Non-Company Visitor. This will exclude any non-company traffic from your report. If you want to exclude internal company traffic as well, add another Exclude filter specifying your company name.

8. Click Save - Final Report below (click the Source/Medium result to see the breakdown by company).


Content Engagement Report

The Content Engagement report allows you to measure how specific companies are behaving on your website. It tells you what specific pages are they looking at and what each page’s bounce rate is. Rather than just seeing generic, unknown traffic and website metrics, you can identify and track the visiting company’s names, whether or not they’ve filled out a contact form.

Who to Share it With

The Content Engagement report will interest a variety of internal stakeholders responsible for content and website performance.

  • Content marketers
  • Product marketers
  • Website marketers
  • Demand gen marketers

The website is a critical tool in the B2B buying cycle and its effectiveness (or lack thereof) impacts the performance in many areas of marketing – and ultimately, the company’s bottom line.

Setup Steps

1. Log into GA and click the Customization tab.


2. Click New Custom Report.


3. In the Title field, name your report. Example (Content Engagement Report).

4. Change Report tab name to Pages / Company Name and select Explorer type, so you can see your data in a chart form.

5. Click the add metric and search for:

  • Pageviews
  • Users
  • Avg. Time on Page
  • Entrances
  • Bounce Rate
  • % Exit

6. Click the add dimension button and search for Page, click add dimension again and search for Company Name.

7. Click add filter, search for Company Name, on the first drop-down select Exclude, leave the second drop down as Exact. In the text field type Non-Company Visitor. This will exclude any non-company traffic from your report. If you want to exclude internal company traffic as well, add another Exclude filter specifying your company name.

8. Click Save - Final Report below (click the Page result to see the breakdown by company).


Sales Enablement Report

The Sales Enablement report allows you to measure which prospects are active on your website. Rather than just seeing generic, unknown traffic you can track and compare the behavior of your clients vs. prospects.

The report includes some critical information for the sales and customer success teams, as well as the marketing teams that support them, for example, marketing will be able to assess whether their campaigns are reaching and engaging the audiences Sales is focused on.

Who to Share it With

The Sales Enablement report has critical information for the sales and customer success team, as well as the marketing teams that support them. Marketing will be able to assess whether their campaigns are reaching and engaging the audiences Sales is focused on. Meanwhile, Sales and Customer Success will be able to make decisions and take action based on the engagement levels and goals accomplished (such as downloads and visit duration goals) of particular accounts.

Setup Steps

1. Log into GA and click the Customization tab.


2. Click New Custom Report.


3. In the Title field, name your report. Example (Sales Enablement Report).

4. Change Report tab name to Company Name and select Flat table type.

5. Click the add dimension button and search for any dimensions you segment your traffic on, e.g.:

  • Company Name
  • Industry
  • Revenue Range
  • State 

6. Click add metric and search for:

  • Sessions
  • Users
  • Avg. Session Duration
  • Pageviews
  • Bounce Rate

7. Click add filter, search for Company Name, on the first drop-down select Exclude, leave the second drop-down as Exact. In the text field type (Non-Company Visitor), add another filter to exclude (unknown). This will exclude any non-company traffic from your report. If you want to exclude internal company traffic as well, add another Exclude filter specifying your company name.


8. Click Save - Final Report below.


Conversion Report

The Conversion report allows you to see whether certain segments are completing conversion goals you’ve established on your website. You can see which goals perform best and a breakdown on which segments are most commonly converting.

Who to Share it With

This report is particularly relevant for demand generation marketers, as well as digital marketers who are accountable for website performance metrics. It is an indicator of overall pipeline health and can highlight opportunities to accelerate the buying cycle for different industries.

Setup Steps

1. Log into GA and click the Customization tab.


2. Click New Custom Report.


3. In the Title field, name your report. Example (Conversion Report).

4. Change Report tab name to Company Name and select Explorer type, so you can see your data in a chart form.

5. Click on add metric and search for the Conversion goals you want to measure, for example:

  • Goal Completions
  • Forms - Event
  • Forms - Demo Request

For full list of goals go to Admin > Goals.

6. Click the add dimension button and search for Company Name.

7. Click add filter, search for Company Name, on the first drop-down select Exclude, leave the second drop-down as Exact. In the text field type (Non-Company Visitor). This will exclude any non-company traffic from your report. If you want to exclude internal company traffic as well, add another Exclude filter specifying your company name.

8. Click Save - Full Report below.


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